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Message from the Headteacher

Friday 22nd July 2022


Dear Parent/Carer


As we close the doors on the final day of the academic year 2021/22 I am writing to wish you all a safe, happy and healthy Summer holiday period.


This year has presented significant challenges around Covid-19 and represents the first full year when schools have been open since 2018/19. I think it is fair to say that the last few weeks have proven quite challenging with some very tired pupils and equally tired staff!


Ysgol Bryn Castell (YBC) have continued to achieve some fantastic things this academic year including during April 2022, where the school was proud to be awarded the Silver School’s Mental Health Award.


Achieving this award is not just recognition of a whole-school approach to mental health, it’s a recognition of the school’s commitment to improving the life chances of children and engaging with the wider community including staff and Parents/Carers.

To achieve the award YBC had to meet and provide evidence for 88 competency areas that cover support for staff, pupils and Parents/Carers. A huge thank you to Mrs Sarah Davies and Miss Carrie Llewellyn for working tirelessly to collate all the information for this award, and to our fantastic staff and Governing Body for enabling the school to have such a significant and positive impact on the lives of those in our school community.

This award really is recognition of the hard work and dedication shown by the whole community of YBC to support each other and our pupils.


Curriculum for Wales

The school continue to make excellent progress towards implementing and delivering Curriculum for Wales (CfW) for pupils at the school. The Governing Body agreed to implement CfW for pupils in Year 7 from 1st September 2022 onwards and school staff continue to work tirelessly to ensure the curriculum is closely matched to the individual needs of pupils. Lots of detailed information about the curriculum can be found online at: https://hwb.gov.wales/curriculum-for-wales/ .


We have recently developed a Curriculum Policy which is out for consultation and can be found on our school website at: https://www.ysgolbryncastell.co.uk/policies/. Please send any feedback for consideration using the following link by 1st September 2022: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Ug4_TzS3ZEGUCRtgHRR5k5M3UuT5QPtDqH7M8FK_HLVUQVQyMzVIOVVVUUlJR08zN1RXT0lTWVVSRC4u


The school has an inset day on Monday 5th September with pupils returning from 10:00 onwards on Tuesday 6th September.


Please feel free to contact the school and leave a message over the holidays if you need any help and support.


Many thanks for your ongoing support; enjoy the Summer.



Mrs Helen Ridout