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Distance Learning at YBC

YBC are developing a range of "Distance Learning" opportunities for our pupils. The Website will host a range of easily accessible links that are held in Key Stages Activity Areas at the bottom of this page. Pupils may choose to access content across the Key Stages which is fine. There is also a range of activities in the "Kids Zone" which you will find under the Children tab above. 


We are also developing more specialist support for groups and individuals through Hwb a Welsh Government platform. All pupils should have access to this platform. Please contact the school if your son / daughter can not access Hwb.  https://hwb.gov.wales/ You can find help on how to access Hwb here. https://hwb.gov.wales/distance-learning/distance-learning-tools-through-hwb/parents-and-carers/


Below you will see an example of a very basic timetable that pupils may follow to help them build a sense of routine. Activities are in the Key Stage Activity Areas below this timetable at the bottom of the page.

YBC Basic Timetable 


Activity 1

Physical exercise e.g. PE with Joe Wicks


Activity 2

Mathletics https://www.mathletics.com/uk/   and simple numeracy activities

Break time


Activity 3

Spellodrome https://uk.spellodrome.com/#/home and simple literacy activities 

Activity 4

Social time activities including watching television, playing on a tablet, reading a book or gaming



Activity 5

Purple mash online learning ttps://www.purplemash.com/login/ or work pack activities