Tuesday 7th July 2020
Dear Parents and Carers
Ysgol Bryn Castell has successfully reopened and we currently have a number of learners accessing Hub provision and ‘Check in, Catch up and Prepare’ provision (both on- and off-site), alongside pupils accessing digital learning;
As per our previous letter, Bridgend Local Authority have confirmed that schools will close on 17th July 2020.
The school and Local Authority, are eagerly awaiting advice and guidance from Welsh Government about plans for September and will keep you informed as we receive any updates. We recognise and share your frustration that we are not yet able to share information about plans for September.
The Admin Team will be in touch with you over the next two weeks as the school implements the Sims Parent App which allows greater communication between Parents/Carers and the school. The App is available on both apple and android devices and can also be accessed by an internet browser.
School staff will maintain regular communication with families but recognise that members of the school community may find this transition period from full lockdown challenging and unsettling and would encourage you to reach out and seek support if you or your child are finding things difficult.
Ysgol Bryn Castell will continue to act in the best interests of your child as we move forwards together, focussed on the health and wellbeing of our pupils and staff.
Thank you for your support, encouragement and feedback.
Stay safe and best wishes,
Mrs Helen Ridout and all at Ysgol Bryn Castell
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