Uned Cymorth Cyfarwyddiaeth Addysg a Chymorth i Deuluoedd (UCCACD)
Education and Family Support Directorate –
Directorate Support Unit (EDSU)
Deialu uniongyrchol / Direct line: 01656 642617
Ein cyf / Our ref: EDSU/critical workers
Dyddiad / Date: 25 January 2021
Dear Parent/Carer
I am sure you will appreciate that Bridgend has been significantly affected by the pandemic. With this in mind, we have had to restrict the eligibility criteria for on-site provision in our schools to limit the impact positive Covid-19 tests are having on staff, pupils and their families.
You will note from the guidance that, while local authorities must have regard for the Welsh Government’s critical worker list, it is for individual local authorities, based on their current situation to determine eligibility.
Bridgend County Borough Council (BCBC) currently identifies critical workers as:
We will continue to review the situation and inform parents/carers if a decision is made to revise Bridgend’s eligibility criteria.
It is hoped that employers will be able to support the local authority’s efforts to control the spread of the virus by demonstrating understanding and flexibility in their approach to the situation, working with their employees who are parents/carers to negotiate solutions to help manage this exceptional set of circumstances.
Please note that on-site, in-school provision is available to support those critical works who are required to attend their work site and should only be used where no one is working from home who can care for their child/children.
In order to secure an on-site place in a school for your child, it is expected that you can confirm that:
No one has tested COVID-19 positive in your child’s household including any support bubble.
No one in your child’s household including, any support bubble, is currently COVID-19 symptomatic or awaiting a test result.
To your best knowledge, has your child has not come into contact with anyone, including outside your household, who is COVID-19 positive, symptomatic or awaiting a test result.
Your child does not have a new continuous cough.
Your child does not have a fever or a high temperature.
Your child has not experienced a loss or change in their sense of smell or taste.
With my thanks for your ongoing support.
Yours sincerely
Lindsay Iorwerth Harvey (Mr)
Corporate Director – Education and Family Support
Bridgend County Borough Council
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