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INSET DAY - 9th October 2020

Monday 28th September 2020


Dear Parents and Carers


Further to my letter last week sharing the sad news about Mr. Huw Wright, I am writing to inform you that the school will be closed for an inset day on Friday 9th October 2020.


During this inset day staff will engage in Professional Learning around the Recovery and Reconnection curriculum and the implementation of the Curriculum for Wales at Ysgol Bryn Castell.  As part of the schedule for the day, staff will have an early lunch session for one-hour to enable them to attend the funeral of Mr. Huw Wright.


Your support and understanding to allow the school community to grieve for a member of staff, colleague and friend has been overwhelming and we welcome you to join with the school community in sending our love and sympathy to Huw’s family at this difficult time.


We recognise that this sad event may result in a range of emotions for our young people who may already be finding the transition period to full school reopening and the Covid-19 pandemic challenging and unsettling. We would encourage you to reach out and seek support if you or your child are finding things difficult by contacting one of the following services or YBC during school opening hours;

  • Cruse bereavement support – 08088 081677
  • Samaritans – 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org


The school continues to offer support for all members of our YBC family as we start to understand and accept this tragic news.


Many thanks for your messages of support,




Helen Ridout
