Tîm Amddiffyn Iechyd Health Protection Team
Ffôn/Tel: 0300 00 300 32 Ebost/Email: aware@wales.nhs.uk
Gwefan/Web: www.iechydcyhoedduscymru.org www.publichealthwales.org
Date: 13th November 2020
Dear Parent or Carer,
Re: Information regarding a confirmed case of coronavirus in Ysgol Bryn Castell
NHS Wales Test, Trace, Protect has been informed of a confirmed case of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in Ysgol Bryn Castell.
Ysgol Bryn Castell remains open. It is working closely with Public Health Wales, the Local Authority and NHS Wales Test, Trace and Protect to ensure that all the appropriate measures are in place to protect students, staff and the wider community. This letter is to inform you of the current situation and to provide advice on how to support your child.
All close contacts of the case have been identified and have received appropriate advice to self-isolate. Your child has not been identified as a close contact and therefore does not need to self-isolate and does not require testing for COVID-19. They can continue to attend Ysgol Bryn Castell as usual.
However, as a precaution, please be alert for any symptoms of COVID-19:
If your child develops any of these symptoms, even if they are mild:
To reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading, there are things that everyone in your family can do to help. These include:
Further information on symptoms and self-isolation can be found here https://gov.wales/symptoms-and-self-isolation-contact-tracing
Further formation on Test, Trace, Protect can be found here https://gov.wales/test-trace-protect-coronavirus
For general information on COVID-19 https://gov.wales/protect-yourself-others-coronavirus
The COVID-19 online symptom checker can tell you if you need medical help and advise you what to do https://gov.wales/check-if-you-need-coronavirus-medical-help
With best wishes,
On behalf of Public Health Wales Health Protection Team
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