I wanted to update you on the support we are still providing young people and their parents at this time. The Wales-wide live chat with expert careers advisers that we launched a couple of weeks ago is proving popular. This service is available Monday to Friday and is available for young people in schools and colleges, parents/guardians and those children who are normally home-schooled. It's an opportunity for them to discuss any concerns they have about next steps and their future options. Over the next couple of weeks we will be launching our home-schooling resources as part of the Welsh Government Stay Safe. Stay Learning campaign and we will be promoting this via our social media channels. The resources will include a series of webinars and lesson plans that parents and young people can complete together at home. We also have a live Q&A for parents with our careers advisers across our Facebook and Twitter channels on Thursday 23 April between 2-3pm. This is another opportunity for parents to chat through any concerns they have about their child's next steps. Please keep visiting our website and our social media channels for the latest information about accessing our services.
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