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End of Term Arrangements - YBC

Tuesday 15th December 2020

Dear Parent/Carer

Further to the letter sent on behalf of Mr Lindsay Harvey (Corporate Director – Education and Family Support) last week and recent reports within the media, I am writing to confirm arrangements for teaching and learning on Thursday 17th and Friday 18th December 2020.
Due to the high levels of infection which continue to circulate in the school, Ysgol Bryn Castell will move to a distance learning package for all pupils on these days.
Distance learning package;
ASD Distance Learning Package
 Daily drop-in session on TEAMS – times will be shared by your child’s pastoral team
 Christmas activities and curriculum activities to be sent home (unless already received)
 Daily welfare calls
 Curriculum activities set on individual class TEAMS where work can be submitted
KS2 and KS3 Distance Learning Package
 Daily drop-in session on TEAMS – times will be shared by your child’s pastoral team
 Christmas activities and curriculum activities to be sent home (unless already received)
 Daily contact with pupils via phone call or class dojo
 Activities also loaded onto TEAMS for pupils to access digitally
14-19 Distance Learning Package
 Scheduled sessions delivered on TEAMS – times will be shared by your child’s pastoral team
 Curriculum and qualification-based activities to be sent home (unless already received)
 Daily welfare calls
 Curriculum activities set on TEAMS where work can be submitted
In-line with Welsh Government and Local Authority guidance the school has made contact with the Parents/Carers of all Primary-aged pupils who have confirmed that they support a full distance learning package. As such the school will be closed for pupils and staff on Thursday 17th and Friday 18th December. Parents/Carers who require support are able to contact the school on 01656 815595 and leave a voicemail which will be picked up at regular intervals throughout the school day or via their usual communication systems with pastoral teams.
We recognise that Ysgol Bryn Castell has received a significant number of positive case notifications in the Autumn term, with a high number occurring in the period from 25th November to now; this has had a significant impact upon the whole school community which has resulted in some very poorly people, some frustrated people and a lot of very frightened people. I can assure you that the school continues to work closely with Public Health Wales, the Local Authority and Welsh Government to prioritise the health and wellbeing of everyone in our school community; the Chair of Governors and I have recently written to the First Minister to ask Welsh Government to consider prioritising staff within Special Schools for vaccination and I will keep you informed of any responses we receive.
I sincerely hope that all members of our school community who are currently unwell make a full recovery and that you and your family enjoy a peaceful and relaxing Christmas and look forward to a more positive New Year in 2021, where we will continue to support each other and the school through these difficult times.


Thank you for your continued support


Nadolig Llawen!
Mrs Helen Ridout